Blasters are the most common armament and ranged weapon
in the galaxy. Firing energized particle beams called 'blaster bolts',
these weapons are capable of varying degrees of damage, from stunning a target
to blasting it to pieces. Sizes of small arm blasters range from tiny
hold-out blasters capable of only a few shots to massive repeaters able
to fire hundreds of rounds every minute. Similar variations occur in
range, from a few meters to several hundred.
As an Emperor's Hammer Stormtrooper, you are issued a
BlasTech E-11 MKII blaster rifle. It is the weapon most commonly
associated with Imperial units and the one you will receive the most exposure
to. The E-11, along with other common blaster weapons, is included in
this portion of the course to familiarize you with the various types and
applications of blasters.
Blasters are available in a dizzying array of choices,
but can be classified into the following groups:
Hold-Out Blasters are palm-sized, concealable, and
carry only six shots. Ideal for areas with weapon restrictions,
hold-out blasters are common among gamblers, bounty hunters, covert
agents, and veteran soldiers. Maximum range is 12 meters.
Blaster Pistols are the galaxy's standard sidearm
with an ammunition capacity of approximately 100 shots. Maximum
range is 120 meters, but maximum effective range is 30 meters, making this
a short range weapon.
Heavy Blaster Pistols are only slightly larger than
regular pistols, but inflict the same damage as a rifle or carbine.
Some even more massive models are capable of greater damage than a light
repeater. Having a hand-held weapon blow speeder-sized holes in an
opponent comes at the expense of range and ammunition capacity.
Heavy Blasters pistol power packs hold a mere 25 shots. Effective
and maximum ranges are 25 and 50 meters, respectively.
Blaster Rifles are the galaxy's primary infantry
weapon. Constructed with longer barrels and larger gas and energy
packs, these weapons are capable of firing 300 shots from up to 300 meters
away. Maximum effective range is 100 meters.
Blaster Carbines are shorter than rifles and are
intended for mounted troops, or those embarked in tanks or fighters with
limited space, but who desire more power than provided by a blaster
pistol. Damage and ammo capacity are comparable to those of the
blaster rifle, but ranges are reduced due to the carbine's shorter barrel
length. Maximum range of the blaster carbine is 250 meters with a
maximum effective range limited to 50 meters.
Repeating Blasters lay down a punishing rain of
destruction, firing hundreds of shots every minute. These large
weapons are barely portable, requiring greater-than-average strength to
carry one around the battlefield. Useful as a squad support weapon
for defensive or suppression fire. An internal magazine holds power
for 300 shots, while an optional backpack generator provides energy for
nearly unlimited ammunition. Maximum range is 300 meters.
Effective range is 120 meters.
The Czerka 411 is a typical hold-out blaster.
Easily concealed, but with limited ammunition and range this
weapon is intended as a last-ditch defense at nearly point blank
range. Useful only against unarmored foes due to the
hold-out's limited damage.
A popular inexpensive sidearm, the BlasTech DL-18 is
commonly found among fringe and Rebel groups. Despite its
economy, the DL-18 has difficulty penetrating Stormtrooper armor,
but carefully aimed shots can pose a threat to Imperial forces.
The Westar 34 fires powerful rapid-fire bolts that are
devastating at short range. Made for fast overwhelming
attacks, this pistol is constructed of a special dallorian alloy
making it extremely heat resistant and able to avoid overheating
during prolonged periods of sustained firing. These accurate
weapons are limited to 20 shots.
The BlasTech DH-17 was favored by Rebel troops and
Imperial Royal Guardsmen. Its rugged construction makes it
extremely popular with front line troops as does its ability to
penetrate Stormtrooper armor. The DH-17 is equipped with a
burst-fire mode for greater damage, but completely drains the
power pack within 20 seconds.
The BlasTech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol is reliable,
easily modified, and powerful sidearm favored by many beings
including smugglers, bounty hunters, and military personnel.
Capable of firing only 25 shots on a single power pack, this
popular model is equipped with a tingler in the grip which alerts
the user when only 5 shots remain. The DL-44 is easily as
powerful as most blaster rifles, but is very short-ranged.
The T-6 Thunderer produced by BlasTech Industries is
the premiere Super-Heavy Blaster Pistol. Capable of
inflicting as much damage as a light repeater, albeit at much
shorter ranges, this weapon is basically a shortened carbine with
supercharged power packs and upgraded Galven circuitry.
Ammunition capacity is 50 shots and the maximum effective range is
50 meters. This weapon is the last word in handheld
destruction. Accept no substitutes.
The BlasTech EE-3 Carbine is representative of a
typical Blaster Carbine. Shorter and slightly less powerful
than a blaster rifle, this weapon has a slightly higher rate of
fire and is easier to handle in confined spaces. Ammunition
capacity is 300 shots, identical to that of a rifle.
The BlasTech DC-19 Stealth Carbine was originally
clone Shadow Troopers during the Clone Wars. It features a
sound suppressor and specially refined Tibanna gas designed to
create an invisible blaster bolt. Ideal for snipers, this
rare weapon holds 20 shots and a maximum range of 300 meters.
The Prax Arms "Blast and Smash" AXM-50 pairs a blaster
rifle and microgrenade launcher in an over-under
configuration. Primarily used as an assault weapon in ship
boarding or urban environments.
Favored by Rebel Troopers during the Galactic Civil
War, the BlasTech A280 is a powerful rifle, reputed to cut fully
armored Stormtroopers in half from 100 meters away. The A280
is much larger than the E-11, allowing increased capacity in the
power packs. Range and ammunition capacity follow rifle
standards, but damage is 13% greater.
The BlasTech E-11 Mk II is the standard-issue
Stormtrooper rifle. Able to fire in semi-automatic, burst,
or fully automatic modes, this versatile weapon can load standard
power packs, grenades, darts, or flares. Blaster gas is good
for 500 shots while the power pack must be changed after
100. The low profile is ideal for shooting prone from cover
and the factory-equipped telescopic sight allows for rapid target
acquisition in dark or smoky environs. The two-position
collapsible stock gives the Stormtrooper flexibility when handling
the weapon, as shown below.

While more cumbersome than a standard E-11, the
RT-97C Heavy Blaster Rifle features a longer barrel with extra
Galven circuitry to more finely focus the bolt, extending this
weapon's range to 400 meters. It also deals 20% more damage
than a regular blaster rifle, making this a truly devastating
weapon. Versatility and accuracy are increased by the three
integral scopes. The first is an optical scope equipped with
a ballistics and target motion analysis computer, enabling very
accurate shots at extreme range. The second scope is a
thermal imager, while the third senses passive infrared and can
see through smoke or dust. All scopes automatically link to
the standard Stormtrooper helmet.
The BlasTech DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle is
much larger and more powerful than a standard rifle. Range
and damage are comparable to repeating blasters, although the rate
of fire is much lower. Adding an optical scope allows for
accurate long range fire. The DLT-19 is capable of downing
airspeeders, making it a preferred weapon in open areas.
The BlasTech DLT-20A is a long-barreled rifle
with extra galven circuits for extended range. Typically
issued to Stormtrooper units to engage targets outside the E-11's
typical range. The DLT-20A is equipped with a combination
rangefinder and electronic sight. One unique feature is the
magnatomic adhesion grip, which keeps the weapon securely in a
Stormtrooper's hand, aiding in weapon control and accuracy.
Range is 500 meters and the weapon holds energy for 30 shots.
Based on the successful A295 Blaster rifle, the
BlasTech A295 Sniper Rifle is favored by Rebel and
mercenary troops. The 40x optical / infrared scope allows
accurate fire to 1000 meters. Ammunition capacity is 30
shots. Like all sniper weapons, this rifle is capable of
semi-automatic fire only.
The Xerrol Nightstinger is a highly
specialized sniper weapon that fires invisible blaster bolts using
specially-refined Tibanna gas, similar to the DC-19. The
weapon can only fire 5 shots before needing to replenish the
expensive blaster gas, which cost 1000 credits per canister.
Cost is prohibitive for all but the most vital of targets.
The Nightstinger is ideally suited for Imperial covert operations,
and has a maximum range of 800 meters.
The Kashnir Arms KX-80 Repeating Blaster is a
squad-level infantry support weapon. The high rate of fire
and under-barrel target designator greatly enhance the firepower
of any squad. Whether called upon for suppressing fire,
anti-speeder operations, or mowing down enemy formations, the
KX-80 performs superbly. Range is slightly reduced to 275
meters due to a shorter barrel than other light repeaters.
The T-21 Light Repeater is the standard-issue
Repeating Blaster produced by BlasTech Industries. While it
is the heaviest single-soldier weapon deployed, its punishing rate
of fire, massive damage, and 300 meter range inflict great
destruction the enemy. Commonly deployed with the optional
backpack power generator, this weapon is popular among Hammer's
Fist troopers and feared by our adversaries.