MISSILE Weapons Rather than firing energy, missile weapons are physical projectiles hurled against opposing craft or installations. They appear in multiple forms with a wide variety of speeds, capabilities, and warhead yields. Missile weapons, while slower than energy weapons, pack a much greater punch and allow small starfighters to pose a threat even to larger capital ships. All warheads can engage starfighters from 2.5km and capital ships from 5 km, but actual effective ranges vary greatly with warhead speed and homing duration. If a homing warhead initially misses, it will attempt to reacquire the target until its homing duration is depleted. All missile weapons can be individually or dual-fired. Selected missiles are indicated green in the HUD while those not selected for firing are red in color.
MISSILES The cheapest, fastest, and most common starfighter warhead which homes in on its target for a short time. The original missile design predates laser technology, combining high explosive with an armor-piercing warhead. The larger assault version was widely used in planetary bombardments, most recently in the original Victory-class Star Destroyer and Executor-class Super Star Destroyer. Concussion missiles were upgraded after the Battle of Yavin to a more advanced version with improved speed and damage. Concussion missiles are extremely fast but not terribly agile and can be outmaneuvered. They are visible on screen as a red streak with a slight tail. PROTON
TORPEDOES Larger, slower, and more powerful than their missile predecessor, the proton torpedo is the weapon of choice for attacking slow-moving targets or Imperial battlestations. The thermonuclear warhead delivers an impressive punch but the slower speed means it can be outrun by the faster starfighters. Also available in an advanced version with improved speed and damage. Homing characteristics remain unaltered between the original and advanced versions. Proton torpedoes appear as blue streaks with a pronounced tail. HEAVY
ROCKETS A massive weapon with limited homing capability designed to be released close to a slow-moving or stationary target. Easily outrun and outmaneuvered. Not recommended for anti-starfighter combat, but can destroy a freighter with a single rocket. Very useful for taking down shields on larger capital ships. Heavy rockets are visible as yellow streaks with no tail. SPACE
BOMBS The most devastating weapon available to starfighter pilots. Unpowered and unguided, the space bomb relies on the delivering craft's momentum to carry it to target. Easily shot down before impact. Recommended usage includes release very near a stationary target at maximum speed. The large blast radius and unpowered nature make successful delivery without damaging one's own craft very difficult. ELECTROMAGNETIC
PULSE The MagPulse torpedo was designed as a disabling weapon by the Rebellion after the Battle of Hoth. Upon impact the detonation releases a short-radius burst of concentrated electromagnetic energy, which interrupts power systems, temporarily reducing ship systems by 75%. The effect lasts for 15 seconds. Multiple MagPulse impacts do not further reduce ship systems, but do extend the crippling duration by an additional 15 seconds for each subsequent impact. Viewed as purple streaks with a pronounced tail. ION
PULSE Often described as an 'ion cannon in a can', this insidious weapon is capable of rendering a target vessel helpless in a single shot, if shields are sufficiently low. Developed as the ultimate starfighter disabling weapon, it concentrates ion energy into a single massive burst. Not widely deployed due to the warhead's immense cost, but encountered in sufficient numbers to be a threat. Exercise extreme caution if enemy forces are using these to attack your craft.