META tags, whilst often overlooked, are an important tool in any web page. The META tag sits in
between the <head> and </head> tags. One of the most important features they provide is increasing
the chances of your web page being listed in a search engine search. Below are some of the more
important META tags and what they mean.
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content=X>
This forces the current page to refresh (reload) every X seconds.
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="X;URL=file.htm">
This will cause the file called file.htm to be loaded after X seconds. This is most often used for
redirection, ie "This page has moved to this location" and you're automatically taken there.
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="Mon, 20 March 1998 13:54:00 GMT">
This will force the document to be reloaded on or after the date specified. This tag is useful for web
pages that are constantly updated and if you want your viewers not to miss out.
<meta http-equiv="Keywords" content="keyword1, keyword2, etc">
Search engines use this tag when someone enters criteria for a search. If the criteria matches something
in your keywords, you site is usually listed.
<meta http-equiv="Description" content="Site description">
This is also used by search engines and is used for displaying search results.