IIC 2: Combining Tags

Almost all HTML tags are combinable. For example, you can use <i><u>italic AND underlined!</u></i> together. However, there are some rules. For example, close tags in the order you use them. Looking at my example, since the <u> tag is inside the <i> tag, close the <u> tag first. Also, as a general rule, <form> tags should sit outside of tables, like this:
<form action="post.asp" method="post">
			<td>Name:</td><td><input type="text" name="firstName" /></td>
			<td>Submit:</td><td><input type="submit" value="Submit Me!" /></td>

You are most likely to combine tags when linking an image. To do this, you would put your <a> tag around an image. The image also has a border="" attribute, which you can set to a width for an outline showing that it is a link, or set it to 0 so that it does not show a link border.

(with border="2")
(with border="0")