IIC 1: Images

Images are one of the most common tools in HTML, and if used correctly can enhance a web page and increase reader interest. Used badly, images can make the page unreadable or very hard too read. Also, overuse of images makes the page download slower. This also decreases view enjoyment, and a slow loading page is more likely to be ignored by the viewer.

The defacto standard formats for images in HTML documents are the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) and the Joint Picture Experts Group (JPEG) format. Note that JPEG is usually abbreviated to JPG. Both formats use compression to decrease picture size, however, they each have specialised purposes. The GIF format has a maximum colour depth of 256 colours. Due to this, and the compression it uses, GIFs are suited to graphics of text and other simple objects. GIFs have several sub-formats. GIFs also have the ability for transparency and animation.

JPEGs are a little more complicated. The JPEG can either be 256 colours (8-bit) or 16.7 million colours (24-bit). Most commonly, the 24-bit variety is used. There are also progressive JPEGs, which allow the picture to be assembled while downloading, as opposed to after the download with regular JPEGs.

A Portable Networks Graphic (PNG) may also be used; they are higher quality and support transparency as well, but only in FireFox 2+ and Internet Explorer 7+. They are quickly becoming the standard type of graphic.

In summary, GIFs are good for text while JPEGs for photographs and similar type graphics; PNGs are good for non-photographic graphics as well, and support differing levels of transparency, though only in newer browsers. Below is an example of an image tag. Note that you can set the height and the width of the image; if you do not use the height and width attributes, the image will display at normal size.
<img src="patch.gif" height="200" width="200" />