A tag is what defines how text, graphics, and other data is displayed on a website.
The format is simple; an opener, <, the name of the tag, attributes and values,
and the closer, >. Most tags have an option to put data between the opening and
closing. The format is like this: <tag attribute="value"> internal data </tag>.
Although technically <TAG attRIBute="value"> internal data </tAG> works, it is
now standard for all tag and attribute names to be lower-case.
<div class="colorful">Internal data</div>
<img src="image.gif" style="height:300px;width:150px;" />
The first tag is a Div tag. This is a container for text. Its class is set to
"colorful", which has to do with CSS. Between the opening tag and the closing tag
(the </div> is the closing tag) is the text that gets displayed on the page.
The second tag is a basic image tag. It's source (src) is set to image.gif, which
would be the location of the image. The style attribute is set to give the image
a height of 300 pixels and a width of 150 pixels. The image tag and CSS (style)
will be delved into at greater length later in the course. Because this type of tag
does not have a closing tag (</img>) the end of the tag ends with />